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      Home - Xianghua Industry - Fuda

      Shishi Fuda Weaving Industry Co., Ltd.

      Shishi Fuda Weaving Industry Co., Ltd. was established in 1991. Its main business is the production of shuttles, knitted colored fabrics, and garments with a registered capital of 4 million yuan.  




      Tel: 0595-88889586
      Fax: 0595-88791532
      Add: Fuda Building, Fuxing Road, No. 5 Industrial Zone, Shishi City, Fujian Province
      Company's main products
      All rights reserved:2021-2026 Shishi Xianghua Group Co., Ltd. 閩ICP備10005498號 BY:KEW
      欧美一级免费片_真人直播大片 免费_AV激情在线观看免费_人妻激情一区二区三区
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